I just went outside, I sat in a camping chair. It was so refreshing to dig my toes into the growing grass and know that after a long winter, spring always comes. Spring can always be counted on to revisit after the longest of harsh winters. I love how God organized the seasons. I also love how the seasons are always in the same order. It reminds me that God is always faithful. He is more faithful than the spring. No matter how angry and cold I am toward Him, he still loves me and brings warmth back into my life like the spring. I know that every time I fail and repent, he will accept me back. Even when I don't feel worthy enough for Him, he always reminds me in some way that I am His. No one else can steal me away. I am worthy because Christ gave me worth. The sun always somehow restores life into the dead earth after winter. Just like God's Son restored life to the sinners of the earth. "For I am crucified with Christ. It is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me. For the life I live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God. Who loved me and gave Himself for me."
Galatians 2:20.
Living by faith, loving God, and occasionally bursting into song mid sentence.
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Monday, March 29, 2010
my facade fools only me...
Why do we put on facades? I can only speak for myself when I say my reason is: I think I am fooling others. Fooling others into thinking everything is ok. I am the foolish one for thinking that anyone else could not see through me. I have lived my life so used to hiding behind my phony self that it is now a habit. It takes a lot from me to shed my social self. I always felt since I am not pretty or thin or smart, I had to be the humorous friend. I felt I have to compensate in some way for my lack of good looks and intelligence. I love to read fantasy books. It is something my friends probably would not know about me. I read the fantasy books to escape from what I think is a mundane life. It is so much more comforting to pretend I am something else, to know that for awhile in my novel, I can forget my problems and jump into the battles of someone else. I think my life is not good enough. I never appreciate what I have until it's gone. Home life is getting difficult. It is so hard to watch my friends and family go out and drive around and have social lives. I would even like to get out and work. It's so hard to be thankful, but I know when all of this is over I will finally be able to walk around with no pain. But my praise and thankfulness should not be limited for the good, or easy times in my life. I cannot be a fair-weather christian.
Sunday, March 28, 2010
time to buck up
Going to another blood draw in about 5 minutes. It is a beautiful day! I feel much better after I got a somewhat restful sleep. God is so good to me and I complain way too much. I need to be content with what I have, and not who I am. Lately it has been the other way around. I was content with being a whiny little girl who never saw the good in any situation. Instead I am going to be thankful, for every moment God decides to bless me with. Yesterday it was snowing and beautiful. Today it is sunny, with no snow in sight, it is all melted, and it is beautiful. I had a fight with my mom yesterday, but I apologized. The fight was about me yelling at my brother. I did apologize to him too.
Monday, March 22, 2010
God give me strength to rewind all the good things in life that are so hard to find.
I think I had a mental breakdown today. It ended in an incomplete sentence filled prayer about seeing my purpose in this life. I have no other worth except in Christ. I have a huge headache from the uncontrollable sobs I had to stifle so my parents could not hear. I never tell them anything and I am so used to it, that I don't know if I ever will tell them anything. I have nothing to do all day but watch tv and use facebook and blog. I have no social interaction with the real world. I am losing it. I have watched so much tv that I don't think I can think for myself anymore. I still have crazy dreams though. Is it sad that the only thing I look forward to all day is my dreams? I will answer that for you. Yes. I need a friend other than Spongebob Squarepants and Peter Griffin, and Dwight Schrute. I need interaction other than "lol, g2g, and cul8r". I need a life. sigh... alas, no one is home when I want to do something. And when they are home, they do not want to drive me anywhere. It's not their fault. It's my anatomy's fault for having a dysplastic hip. Sorry. I have already thrown myself enough pity parties for a lifetime of pity. Oh well. Someday, I will heal, and then... I will be free!
Saturday, March 20, 2010
Early Morning, Sleepless, Ramblings.
So tired. Need to go to bed. Need to speak in complete sentences. Sorry. I am exhausted. It's 5:43 am. The scent of popcorn and perfume is finally waning. The meek sound of raindrops hitting the window is so soothing. They are lulling me into a sound sleep. Nature is my ultimate lullaby. Thank you Lord for nature! I think You are the ultimate artist. Everyone else copies Your work but none compare to the original. Thank You for rain, and gloomy days. If every day was the same, I would never appreciate them as much as I appreciate a good rain after a drought. Or a perfectly warm spring day after a harsh winter. The sun's warmth on my face, and the gentle wind teasing at my hair. The echo of pattering rain on the roof in my ears, while knowing I am safe in my bed, under the soft aged blankets. It has been ages since I have ventured into the backyard at night and laying in the dew drenched grass to look up at the stars. I have somewhat an obsession with the stars. I have been depressed lately because I have not seen a single star for weeks. It is a beautiful, subtle reminder that I am not so big. With that, I say good night.
Enough with the housewives shows.
I am writing again today, just to note that as I am on the computer, I turned the tv on. As I am writing, I am halfheartedly listening to this show on Bravo. This whole time as I am sort of listening, I am hearing these older women just fighting and bickering and complaining about each other to their faces and behind their backs. It's some housewives show. It is really stressing me out, because other girls watching this show are shoving this junk in their brains thinking that it is normal to react the way these women to. It is sad that this show is labeled as reality. That is not the way the world works 24/7. It's also stressing me out because the women are really loud and really annoying, and it is making the environment in my room stressful. I def. don't need that, and neither does anyone else. I pray no one takes this show seriously, and I am turning the channel now.
Unfailingly Devoted.
Made of sin, made to glorify.
How can human nature conflict so much
over divine purpose?
Filthy rags made of righteous deeds without love.
Sinking into the sin I jumped in
knowing fully of the consequences.
Ill are my motives,
loving are my ploys to get my way.
my downcast face
keeps me from my salvation.
undecided to look up for fear
of losing myself.
yet that is what I must do to follow Him.
Chained down by desire.
Weighed heavily in guilt.
Afraid my true self will unearth.
I am so undeserving.
Please God show me my worth...
You are the one Redeemer,
I turn and You are there.
no running back to You because,
You were always right behind me.
I see the worth You give me,
because You are unfailingly devoted.
-I originally wrote this song just to remind me of how terrible I am. I realized during the writing process that God has and will always forgive me for my flaws. I decided to make it more about Him, instead of having a huge pity party hosted by me. (You can probably tell, as the song progresses.) I realized that everything I do should unveil my humanity and God's divinity... it should all point to Him and give Him glory. At first the song was titled "Undeserving" now I have renamed it: "Unfailingly Devoted."
How can human nature conflict so much
over divine purpose?
Filthy rags made of righteous deeds without love.
Sinking into the sin I jumped in
knowing fully of the consequences.
Ill are my motives,
loving are my ploys to get my way.
my downcast face
keeps me from my salvation.
undecided to look up for fear
of losing myself.
yet that is what I must do to follow Him.
Chained down by desire.
Weighed heavily in guilt.
Afraid my true self will unearth.
I am so undeserving.
Please God show me my worth...
You are the one Redeemer,
I turn and You are there.
no running back to You because,
You were always right behind me.
I see the worth You give me,
because You are unfailingly devoted.
-I originally wrote this song just to remind me of how terrible I am. I realized during the writing process that God has and will always forgive me for my flaws. I decided to make it more about Him, instead of having a huge pity party hosted by me. (You can probably tell, as the song progresses.) I realized that everything I do should unveil my humanity and God's divinity... it should all point to Him and give Him glory. At first the song was titled "Undeserving" now I have renamed it: "Unfailingly Devoted."
just hurting.
I am getting so frustrated with myself. I am having trouble concentrating, I cannot read something for more than about twenty minutes, and now I cannot even organize my own thoughts. I used to disregard the comments about having a.d.d. Now I am starting to really believe it. I have constant thoughts of just breaking something. I don't really know how to explain it. When I get mad I just have a thought about how good it would feel to, I don't know, take a bat to the t.v. or smash my fist through a window. I am trying to change. A couple days ago, I wrote down all the bad habits I wanted to change, and I prayed about them. I wrote each down on a piece of paper and then burned them in a metal bucket in my room. I was feeling so good until the smoke from the flame set off the smoke alarm. Mind you, it is 12 am, and my mom is right across the hall. I doused the fire in some water I had near by... thank God... and I told my mom to go back to bed. I told her that I spilled a candle. So that whole experience was a flop. I admit, I am a complete blond. I knew it wasn't a smart idea, but I was just hurting. Peace takes precedence over safety. (Not anymore) So that whole spiritual revelation thing did not really pan out. I just have to keep praying and having faith. It's all I have now, my faith. Life is falling apart, against my will, of course. I feel as though I am cut off from society. I am a balloon cut from the safety and comfort of a ribbon. I am just floating off in space somewhere alone and gone.
memories and wishes...
I am scheduled to go to the Iowa City hospital (yet again) to have another follow up from the surgery. I hate going to that hospital only because of the memories associated with it. The few days or so after my surgery I started reacting to the pain killers I was administered. I had so many horrifying hallucinations, and I told my dad that I don't remember much, but I remember more than I let on. I was absolutely terrified out of my mind. Just thinking about what happened makes me freak. I remember calling 911, which is something my dad thinks I don't remember doing. My dad noticed what I was doing and he slammed my phone shut and had to call back and explain the situation. I guess everything was ok, because no policemen or firemen came busting down the doors. I guess I also thought that I heard people talking about killing me and I got out of bed and dove into the bathroom and locked the door because I thought I heard them coming in my room. Diving was definitely not something I should have been doing. I mean, I was not even supposed to put weight on my leg, let alone dive anywhere. But I was unharmed from that experience... to my father's surprise. I also remember being so scared that I started to stutter. I remember shaking constantly, and I remember how scared and paranoid I was. I remember way more than everyone else thinks. But I wish I didn't. I wish I would have forgotten everything.
dread weight
Mid terms are coming up and I am eating myself up with anxiety. No peace until I get these stupid classes over with. I have so much to read and study and so little time and energy to accomplish it. I feel so useless and unintelligent. Time is racing past me and here I sit at the computer complaining about how little time I have. Yeah, that sounds about right when it comes to how I act. I better start studying. My fries are in the oven I should check on them.
peace among the chaos...
I am laying in bed (obviously, I am still recovering), and I am watching my cat sleep. I can hear her breathe in. It is eerily peaceful to hear her sleep. It's hard to find peace lately with so much depression and stress. I need deliverance from myself.
Despair and Self Deception...
I am pretty depressed. It is so hard to do homework online. I am falling into the same pit that I always did when I was going to school. I neglect my homework from time to time, and I gradually just abandon it all together. I need help. I thought I was snapped out of the school neglecting coma. I thought I was strong enough. I am never going to catch up, and I am never going to amount to anything. It is so hard to get myself out of this state of mind. This problem is stronger and smarter than me. I need God's help, but I have neglected Him too. I know he will accept me back in his unfaltering grace. It feels like I am stuck in quicksand, and somehow I am watching myself sink down helplessly with a feeling of justification. It is not easy to type this. I never share this with anyone. It is like I get stage fright every time I try to write down my feelings. Even when it is in a journal, my brain just shuts down. Even as I type I blanking- I don't even know how to describe it, it's like my mind is holed up in some sanitarium room. It's all white and sterile, smelling of disinfectant, and it has no windows or furniture... just white walls and white tile floors. It is blank, just like my mind. Only God can pull me out of this, sometimes I think not even He can help me. My biggest enemy is my human nature, who minimizes God and limits His power. My human nature tells me that I need to fix myself on my own. The Holy Spirit tells me in the smallest of voices, that I almost don't recognize, that He is the only way. It is a civil war between the Holy Spirit, and the sinful side of me. I have to start protecting myself from my own thoughts, otherwise I will die, making only myself suffer. God help me. I can't type anymore.
Dreaming of Dreaming...
Okay, so maybe I don't turn into a green buff neanderthal but I do think I have enough pent up anger inside to make me explode. Life has been rough ever since I became aware of myself. I had this dark moment where I became so unnecessarily self conscious that I withdrew into the confines of my room and rarely came out. Right now I am on bed rest after a recent surgery and I become restless. Few places to go, and an even less amount of family members to take me there. Right now the only place I am going is crazy. I think my dreams are starting to compensate for my lack of activity during the day. So now the best part of my day is now night. And what is worse is that I don't usually go to bed until 3am. When will my reality be better than my dreams? Stay tuned and find out.
P.S. I hope tonight's dreams consist of beautiful green meadows, speckled with red and yellow flowers. And beyond is a 15,000 foot cliff, I can jump off.
P.P.S. Okay, that last statement was a little dramatic... I really just need the cliff so I can scream really loud and hear them echoing back.
P.S. I hope tonight's dreams consist of beautiful green meadows, speckled with red and yellow flowers. And beyond is a 15,000 foot cliff, I can jump off.
P.P.S. Okay, that last statement was a little dramatic... I really just need the cliff so I can scream really loud and hear them echoing back.
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