I'm bummin it today, no makeup and unkempt hair, but it's okay because God totally loves me anyway. Okay so from now on, I should be posting a video everyday. If not, then I am a huge weenie and deserve a good kick in the throat for breaking my promise. Here's a verse God has laid on my heart the past week:
Proverbs 25:15
Through patience a ruler can be persuaded,
and a gentle tongue can break a bone.
You mentioned how you felt at church it was like putting on a show for worship... for those who know you, this vlog seems like you are putting on a show.
Hey Anonymous...
Only God can truly know her heart. You can't, so stop hating. She seems genuine. I am inspired by her love for the Lord. No one's perfect, including her, you and I. Please enjoy the positive and don't let the enemy use a negative attitude to tear others down.
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