I'm really overwhelmed right now. The emotional floodgates have burst open. Everything is about to happen at once and I'm afraid. I'm so scared. Scared I won't be able to handle it all. School starts on Monday, and we are starting to move into a new house. I'm in the process of packing everything and mentally preparing myself for the busy fall semester. 16 credit hours+a job+working at church+the musical+relocating my life+still coping with family stuff+watching all my friends leave for college=one hot mess Erin.
I've definitely become less dedicated to my time alone with God which has taken a toll on me. I'm reading through Jeremiah and it's become so tedious. I hate that devotions have become tedious. It bugs the crap out of me. I don't like it.
I haven't seen my dad in over a month. I miss him so much. He's going through all this crap and I can't be there for him and it kills me. It absolutely kills me. It's so hard to trust God right now in this state of transition and chaos. I'm seeking him so hard, but it seems fruitless.
Please pray for me as I go through this new trial, possibly feeling more alone and overwhelmed than ever before. I will draw near to God and rely on Him through it all, though it will take more focus and motivation than I have right now. Even in this lonely, broken down state, I know and proclaim God's goodness. God is good.
On a side note, I had an opportunity to discuss religion and Christianity with a coworker and it was cool to get to share my heart for Christ with someone else. We mostly talked about the church and our views on sin, but I pray that it opens up more opportunities to share more with them and others at work. God is good.
Psalm 69:29-32
2I am in pain and distress;
may your salvation, O God, protect me.
30 I will praise God's name in song
and glorify him with thanksgiving.
31 This will please the Lord more than an ox,
more than a bull with its horns and hoofs.
32 The poor will see and be glad—
you who seek God, may your hearts live!
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