Monday, June 28, 2010

Camp 2010

This past week at camp has been a blessing undeserved. As a counselor, I had the opportunity to bond with jr. high girls. As the week went on, it always felt as though the advice and instruction given had fallen on deaf ears. I was discouraged and somewhat frustrated. The second to last night of camp, during cabin devotions, a girl asked the question "How do I believe?". It was that question that made my heart swell and skip a beat. So I started asking her, why she was a christian. She said because her parents and church taught her to. I began going through the gospel, and in the middle some of the other girls started to talk to her too. They took her in, and explained what christianity meant to them. I was listening to them with tears in my eyes because I finally knew that these girls had their own faith and cared for the one confused girl. We stayed up until after 11pm, passionately telling the importance of belief, and knowing for sure that we are christians. We ended up going to bed before everything was crystal clear to her, because we were all very tired. The prayer I prayed as I went to bed was that Jesus wouldn't come back until we sealed the deal with this amazing girl. The next day went on very quickly, and the girl came up to me toward the end and said she talked with some people who went to her church that were at camp. She said that they explained how her parents would die for her because they loved her and she was their child, and that Christ loved her and she was His child, so she had no reason to doubt that it was true. So I asked her, "So do you know for sure you are going to heaven?" she said that she knows and I hugged and told her I can't wait to see her in heaven! At the end of the day, when we had testimony time down at the pool, she went up and told everyone that she was a christian and explained how she knew. I cried while she was up there, because at a meeting with all the counselors and staff I asked them to pray for her because she told me she wasn't sure. So we all witnessed God's unfailing patience as she boldly testified her relationship with Christ. Thank you Lord! I am fired up now, God is bigger and stronger than any of our problems and I will never forget that!!!

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