Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Life be crazy.

   I hate learning. I'm so hard on myself when I'm learning new things. I just realized that today. Whenever I learn an aria, or a new song in choir, or a dance number for the musical, I feel like I have to get it right within the first couple of tries or I'm just a huge idiot. That's why I hate learning.
   For example, my Chemistry class is okay, but if there is something I don't understand in class, I beat myself up about it for not being smart enough to get it right the first time. I'm a crazy! And don't even get me started on music theory!
   Anyway, that's just a little side note that I learned about myself today. So today I did my devotions at school in between classes. I picked a quiet spot in front of a window with a beautiful view and read 3 chapters in Jeremiah and one chapter in Romans.
   Nothing seems to be sinking in like it used to. I had to read Romans 8, and there is soooo much good stuff in that chapter! I read through it once, and I just felt like I hadn't really READ it, you know? So I opened my bible back up and read through it again. Romans 8:28.... Agh! Such an amazing life verse!
Romans 8:28
And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.
   Maybe I should try doing my devotions in the morning before anything else, or just at a time when my brain is not crazy overwhelmed between classes. I don't know... I'll let you know how that goes. 
   Today someone yelled down a hallway to me that they liked my outfit. They said I looked like Anne Frank.... yeah... I'm not sure what that means either, but I had a good laugh.... like a hold my sides and hold in my pee kind of a laugh.
   Life is hectic.... amid the musical practices, voice lessons, chemistry classes, theory classes, piano lessons, and work, a relationship with God is hard to cultivate. I wish I could say I was as strong as ever, but I'm not.             
   One would think I learned my lesson after so many years of trying to live without my almighty Creator. 
   Life is just busy. Please pray that I do not lose sight of what is most important, my relationship with God and living out His will in my life. I pray that I will fall deeper in love with Him every day and lavish grace upon others like He has lavished upon me.
   God is good. All the time. And so is a GIANT bag of sour patch kids... I'm totally chowing down right now. Oh so yummy! Okay, time for bed! (Poor life choice, eating sour candy then letting it sit in my tummy all night as I slumber... OH WELL!) Goodnight all! 

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