Thursday, October 21, 2010

Confronting a.d.d. in all this... wow check out that bag blowing in the wind!

My mind is so full of thoughts twirling around like little girls with pretty streamers on a sunny day. I was reading a book about a.d.d. that talked about harnessing your add-ness to develop talents and solidify a career. It mentioned also the characteristic of impulsivity in adults with add. I sort of had an aha! moment when I thought about all the awkward moments I created and people I offended when I opened my mouth without thinking. (I probably sat there for 10 minutes reminiscing with a horrified look on my face.) Everything clicked, I mean I knew I had add, but I never realized all the junk that came with it. I always thought there was something seriously wrong with me when I said something before I filtered it through my brain, because after I said it I always realized how offensive the statement I spewed from my mouth really was. I thought maybe I just haven't matured yet, because usually you hear the things I say from toddlers. Even now though, I still make the occasional faux-pas. I was waiting all through jr. high and high school for that social moment of clarity that never came. Not only does my impulsivity affect my social life, but I am impulsive when it comes to cleaning, spending money, emotions, and (during school years) homework. I knew I could get good grades. I just never got my homework done, I never studied for tests, and I always got overwhelmed and distracted when I did try. I would get frustrated and give up. I felt so stupid, I am tearing up just typing this. I was labeled lazy and uncooperative. It's frustrating figuring all this out now. I am trusting God no matter what. I am thankful I have such a faithful, gracious God who never leaves me or forsakes me.

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