Friday, October 8, 2010

Turning twenty in twenty ten...

The 2nd of October was my 20th birthday which calls for another entry. The first thing I did for my big 20 was watch, well really I fell asleep watching Beauty and the Beast at midnight. I was dreading this birthday, because both my brother and my dad would be at my brother's cross country meet in Peoria and mom was working both jobs that day. I knew I would be home alone all day. Not the best way to celebrate a birthday by any means. I woke up early, about 5am. My cat had been playing with a plastic bag in my room and woke me up in the process. I was definitely cranky about that. The first thought to plow through my drowsy brain was: This birthday is going to SUCK. In all actuality, it did look like a very grim day for me. God definitely grabbed me and shook me out of my selfishness with the next thought that popped into my brain ever so softly: It's only going to suck if you hold onto that thought all day. I realized at that moment in my head I was not throwing a birthday party but a pity party. I knew in my heart that I could make my day fun if I really wanted to even though I was limited to the house and only myself. So I went to a cross country meet of some great middle school girls that go to my church, and I did have loads of fun cheering for my lovely ladies and eating porkchop sandwiches and cookies. Arriving home, I plopped onto the recliner and cozied under a blanket. A friend texted me as I relaxed and wished me Happy Birthday and also invited to spend the day at scenic drive. (It's like a huge fall flea market, with yummy food and lots of fun. I had loads of fun. My birthday really was very happy. I have to go now, my dinner is waiting.

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