Monday, February 13, 2012

God is the potter, I am the dork.

   I know God loves me. He revealed to me through scripture today some wisdom, conviction and encouragement. What does that have to do with the previous statement you ask? Absolutely nothing.... no just kidding. Time for a huge revelation! Are you ready? Are you sure? Are you sick of these rhetorical questions? Yes? Okay, on we go then! I know God loves me because He doesn't want me to live my life in the awful state I'm in: in selfishness, envy, bitterness, guilt, hurt, and sin. Even though I deserve to remain this awful, sinful being, God grows and matures me anyway. He loves me enough to mold me into a beautiful, strong woman of God.
   (Lord, I am your willing clay. I trust Your potter's hands to shape my heart and soul. Shape me into all you've destined me to be. Your will be done.)
   God is the potter, and I am the clay. Some times in my life though, I am stubborn, resistant to change, and a brat about maturing. I am more resembling a giant hunk of...  well.... for the sake of propriety let's just say... a block of ice. It may take longer to mature and grow due to my unwilling attitude. The cool thing about God is that He always finds a way to soften us with his love and grace and shape us despite our hardened hearts.
   Here is the verse I read today that slapped my unwilling soul back into reality:

James 3:14-18
But if you harbor bitter envy and selfish ambition in your hearts, do not boast about it or deny the truth. Such "wisdom" does not come down from heaven but is earthly, unspiritual, demonic. For where you have envy and selfish ambition, there you find disorder and every evil practice.
But the wisdom that comes from heaven is first of all pure; then peace-loving, considerate, submissive, full of mercy and good fruit, impartial and sincere. Peacemakers who sow in peace reap a harvest of righteousness.

   I've been living so long in denial about my messed up attitude. I've been "denying the truth" that I am not okay and need the Holy Spirit to work on me, and give me wisdom.
   I live pretty impulsively. It has a lot to do with ADHD, but I won't discredit the fact that it can be helped. I've also been denying the truth that I haven't messed myself and my life up too much for God to be able to fix. God is all-powerful. Don't believe me? Check out Isaiah 40:28-31. Go ahead! I'll wait while you look it up.
   Got it? Good, so yeah God doesn't grow weak or weary. No problem is too big for Him to handle. Nothing can wear God out! Even an energetic little spit-fire dork like me! Even a room full of middle school girls meeting Justin Bieber for the first time! Even... okay I guess you get it huh?
   So as you go throughout your day, ask God to reveal some truths that you've been denying for so long. Ask Him for strength to trust Him to carry you through whatever trial you are facing. Ask Him for wisdom so you may "reap a harvest of righteousness." (I always laughed when I heard the word "reap." It's just a fun word to say... try it a couple times, then say it in a high pitched voice if you need a good laugh. But I digress.) God knows what you need, and He will provide it for you.

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