Saturday, January 14, 2012

Tale as old as time

   What is it about Beauty and the Beast that has me so euphoric?! Maybe it's the fact that I watched this movie about a billion times as a child, and a million times as an adult. Maybe it's because I was watching it with my best friend. Maybe it's the memories connected with it. OR maybe it's just a freakin awesome movie, and I love it!
   Confession time! Scooch on in... closer... closer... Okay here it goes... *exhale* I can quote the pretty much the whole movie. I know right? A chick who can barely hold her attention in a classroom can pay attention long enough to memorize an entire movie?! I'm thinking the same thing. Maybe if all of my textbooks were made into movie/musicals, I would be a straight A student! (Spielberg, if you are reading this, it's something to think about... Oh, and HI! I love your work!!!!!)
   I'm not sure what else to write about today. Oh, how about this? I've decided I'm going to read the New Testament in 30 days! I'm not one for being challenged, so I figured it's about time I start challenging myself. I have issues with motivation. Especially when I am depressed. Any little chore becomes a giant hurdle my mind simply cannot overcome. God's got my back though! He's gotten me this far through school. That is a miracle in and of itself. (With 5 A's and 2 B's no less!)
   God has been providing me with so much through this time of adversity! He has me stuck in this tension filled house for a reason and His will in my life will make me happy. God knows me better than I'll ever know myself so He has a specific plan picked out just for me that will be just awesome! So, Hillsong United, here I come!!! (Okay maybe that's just what I want, but you never know!)

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